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  Hit : 3732     Date : 2020/03/24 09:57

dy0025 EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish 2020/03/25  
flyfreejay Hi there! Seems like I can help you out a bit.

I know it is tempting to think that knowing how to use tools on Kali Linux will make you become a good hacker, but no... There are things to do before you jump into studying hacking tools and techniques. Like dy0025 mentioned above, you should really study English since most of the technical documentations are in English and there are just so much more opportunities that can be available to you outside Korea.

Now on technical aspect, you should follow this hackerschool's curriculum starting from the kindergarten section. You will be able to study basics of C programming, Linux, networking, etc. From that point on, things will hopefully start to make sense when you come back to studying Kali Linux. But remember, "with great power comes great responsibilities"!
ÇѽÂÀç Learning to program is also helpful. 2020/04/05  
     [°øÁö]ÇØÄ¿½ºÄð ÀÌ¿ë¼öÄ¢ 2021/04/11 ¼öÁ¤ÆÇ [48] ÇѽÂÀç 01/05 8621
22024   ²À ÇØÅ·À» ¹è¿ö¾ß µÇ°Ú´Ü °­¹Ú°ü³äÀ» ¾È °¡Á®µµ µÈ´Ü »ý°¢...     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
07/11 402
22023   Ç϶ó´Â ÇØÅ·Àº ¾È ÇÏ°í -part2-     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
07/11 76
22022   Ç϶ó´Â ÇØÅ·Àº ¾È ÇÏ°í[1]     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
07/05 142
22021   ³»°¡ ¹» À߸øÇß³ë...[2]     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/28 204
22020   ¿¬±¸ÇÒ ÀÚ·á°¡ »ý°å³×¿ä.[1]     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
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22019   ãÀ½...     medi2003
06/28 104
22018   ÇØÅ·¿¡ °üÇÑ °íÂû[1]     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/25 171
22017   ã¾Ò´Ù     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/14 281
22016   ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ¿Í À½¾Ç     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/14 187
22015   Áö±Ý ¿©±â¼­ ³ë·ÂÇÏ¸é »ý°¢º¸´Ù »¡¸® ÇØÄ¿°¡ µÉ ¼öµµ ÀÖ´Ü »ý°¢ ¤¾¤¾     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
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22014   ¼º°ø!     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/13 226
22013   Windows XP ÇØÅ· -_-+[1]     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/13 284
22012   ¹«¼±·£Ä«µå ºÐ½Ç ¤Ì¤Ð     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
06/02 285
22011   Áý¾È¿¡¸¸ ÀÖÀ» ¶§ ºÒ±³ °øºÎÇÏ¸ç µµ¸¦ ´Û¾Ò´Âµ¥[1]     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
05/30 273
22010   Àڹٷεµ ±¸ÇöÇغÃÀ½     ÇØÅ·ÀßÇÏ°í½Í´Ù
05/23 256
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